Thank You for your responses. I work third shift 12 hours so when I get home I'm tired and sometimes I don't get a chance to respond to you all.
Sparky 1 Thanks for the recommendations.I ordered three of his books. Now I have one for you. Ernest Becker..The Denial Of Death. His brilliant and impassioned answer to the "why" of human existence.
Desirous of change, I don't either. Thank You.
Willyoudfme,thanks for your response.
Saethydd,I agree,thank you.
Prester John, Thank you for both of your responses. Me too.
Half Banana, Thanks for the poem and both responses. Rationally there is no alternative, so sad so true so far.
Betheliesalot, Thanks for Steve Jobs'. I will watch later.
Xanthippe,Thank you for the poem. I agree with the last sentence as hard as it is not to worry.
eyeusezbadub, Just said a lot thank you.
Finkelstein, Thank You.
Nathan Natas,I read his book and thought the full expression was in there somewhere. Thank You.
No zombie,Yes it is a sadness that washes over me too. Thank You.
Westiebilly, That is exactly what my 46 year old son said in your first sentence. Thank You.
Old Navy,I too have been with my wife now 52 years. I will watch Keith later when I can catch up. These 12 hr 3rd shifts don't give me much time to be here.
Keep your hope and happiness. I am sorry for you and her.
Thanks everyone, Blueblades